Passage No. 22023, 150 × 150 cm
Sylvia Ong Born 1980, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lives and works in Dubai, UAE.

Born in Kuala Lumpur in 1980, Sylvia Ong is a contemporary artist with a successful background in cinematography. She has held a range of important exhibitions internationally within the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the USA to critical acclaim. Her vibrant and emotive abstract paintings can be described as lyrical, with the artist often citing direct inspiration from music in her work.

As with much of her work, Ong strives to inspire meaningful conversations between the viewer and canvas via her fluid form of visual storytelling. She invites viewers to allow her pieces to take them on a journey as the artist furthers: "When I listen to music, I feel the colours and the mood as if it was a film. From this point of view, I felt the desire to create art that gives one the sense of life being a journey. The space we pass through, the time we experience: Isn't it as if we traveled along a piece of music, while following the slightest, brilliant nuance? In fact, with my paintings I would like to transport emotions, which fill the space and bring a new perspective to the world."

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