The Artbarn
September 10 – November 30, 2022
The ARNDT Collection is delighted to announce its second presentation staged at the Arndt ARTBARN in Cape Schanck. Curated by ARNDT Collection Director, Rachael Vance, the new collection installation features a selection of recent acquisitions from the ARNDT Collection alongside a range of international contemporary artist's works.

Each artist within this show presents work that delves into immaterial spaces by unveiling and shaping alternate paradigms for existential discourse. These new spaces between reality and supposition aim to explore our environment and what lies beyond.

In this way, the artistic positions within “NIGHT WALK” challenge physical and mental boundaries and the communication of human existence via a multitude of visual languages and unique approaches.

Artists within this curation of works include: Adegboyega Adesina, Jules de Balincourt, Del Kathryn Barton, Joseph Beuys, Kirsty Budge, George Condo, Thomas Hirschhorn, Alicja Kwade, Muntean Rosenblum, Alvin Ong, Pablo Picasso, Ben Quilty, Kaloy Sanchez, Victor Ubah and Ambera Wellmann.



Installation photos: Georgia Quinn
Adegboyega Adesina, Portrait of an intruder, 2022
Jules de Balincourt, o.T., 2006
Kirsty Budge, A thumb on the pulse, 2022
George Condo, Rodrigo and his family, 2007
Thomas Hirschhorn, Ohne Titel (Ingeborg Bachmann 1948/49), 1998
Alicja Kwade, Be-Hide-else, 2017
Pablo Picasso, Visage aux points (A.R. 610), 1969
Ben Quilty, Cronulla No. 2, 2021
Kaloy Sanchez, I Am As The Other Sees Me, 2018
Victor Ubah, Dede, 2022
Ambera Wellmann, Apologetic Power, 2019